30 Ultimate letest Windows 10 Tips and Tricks 2020

30 ultimate Windows 10 tips and tricks.

Updated for 2020. This video is the ultimate compilation of Windows 10tips and tricks to enhance your skills using Microsoft Windows. I’ve combined long-established tips and tricks featured in previous videos with prominent new ones Microsoft added in 2019 and 2020. You’ll find these tips and tricks useful whether you’re using Windows for the first time or just wanting to enhance your Windows 10 skills. For the complete list of contents please refer to the description in this video. Let’s get started!

#1 Windows-V. You may be aware already that you can highlight text, hit ctrl- C and then ctrl -V to paste it. That copies that text to the clipboard and then allows you to paste it in any Windows 10 app. The one problem with this feature is that only keeps track of the last item you’ve copied to the clipboard but Windows-V makes this even better. Come down here to the Start menu, go to Settings, into System, and then choose Clipboard. Here you can enable the clipboard history and you can choose to sync it across different devices if you want. Once that’s set, now when you copy it places those items in the clipboard and holding down the Windows-V shows you multiple items that are in your clipboard. You can select one and insert it into your app. Windows-V again and I can select a second item. Windows-V is a great new feature to keep track of multiple copy/paste options in your clipboard.

#2 Snip and Sketch.Snip and Sketch is a replacement for the Snipping tool from Windows 10. You can access it by typing snip in the menu and opening up Snip and Sketch or you can press the Windows logo key + Shift + S as a keyboard shortcut.Snip and Sketch lets you capture screen clippings and edit them and save them as a file. If you create a new snip you have choices at the top to do a rectangular snip, you can do a free-form one, or you can capture an entire window, or this full screen. If you choose the rectangular snip then you just mark an area on your screen you want to capture and it loads it into Snip and Sketch.Here you can draw, you can use a highlighter, and use an eraser to erase those, use a ruler, and you can crop the image as well. When you’re done you can save the image, copy it and paste it somewhere, or share it. You also have the ability to print or open it with another application. One other option you have is down in the notifications area you can choose Screen Snip which lets you do the same thing and it loads that snip to the clipboard where you can see it inside of Snip and Sketch and do your editing again. So if you need to capture any image on your screen use Snip and Sketch.

#3 Aero Shake. Aero Shake gives you the ability to close all the windows except the one that you have selected. If you click on the header portion on the top of a window and then shake it back and forth it closes all the windows behind it. Shake it again and it brings them back. That’s Arow Shake

#4 Snap Assist. Snap Assist is another way to manage windows on your screen. If you grab a header of a window and drag it to the top it snaps it into a full screen. You can do the same thing by dragging it over to a corner and it brings it up into the corner section of the screen. You can do it on either side or the top and bottom. If you drag it all the way to the left it gives you the choice to select a second window to put on the right and it evenly splits them between the two sides of the screen. Snap Assist is controlled by going to the Start menu,Settings, System, Multitasking, and make sure you’ve turned on this option for Snap Windows and there’s some additional settings here as well.

#5 Dictation. Dictation is a brand new feature in Windows 10 that allows you to record your voice into different apps. You can enable it by going to Start, Settings, Ease of Access, and scroll down here to Speech. Turn this Speech Recognition on and it enables the dictation control. You can also press the Windows key + Ctrl + S to toggle speech recognition on and off. When it’s enabled you can tell it what to do. Open notepad. let’s record some text into notepad and see how it looks. period. enter. enter. You can also do corrections. Select the last word. Strike that. Select the last paragraph. Strike that. Once you turn it off you can go back to regular use. Dictation is really cool so give it at ry.

#6 Dark Mode. Windows 10 has anew dark mode setting. It’s available from the menu under Start, Settings Personalization Colors, and here you have a choice of light, dark, or custom.Essentially those settings will choose the default windows mode and the default app mode so if you select dark from the menu it sets both in dark and if you choose light from the menu it sets both to light. I personally prefer the dark windows mode with the light app mode but you can set them however you like.

#7 Night Light. Normally your display emits a blue light which is what keeps you awake late at night so there is a feature available in Windows 10 to turn on a Night Light. It’s available by going to Start, Settings, System, Display, and here’s an option to turn on the Night Light. When you look at the Night Light settings you can adjust the strength of the Night Light and you can schedule the Night Light from sunset to sunrise or set individual hours. When you turn it on it dims the emitted blue light which is easier for you to sleep.Night Light is a great feature if you plan on working on your computer late at night.

#8 Calculator. The Windows 10calculator has been improved dramatically. Take a look at the options you have now available. You have your standard calculator that you’re used to and you’ve probably seen the scientific calculator before but now you have options for graphing, programmer, date calculation, and a whole bunch of other conversions. So let’s take a look at this graphing preview. This is interesting. You can come in here and you can put in a function like y equals x squared minus 2 and see what that looks like on a graph. The date calculation lets you pick from different dates and it’ll tell you what the difference is or you can add and subtract from a date. Let’s add 4 months and 11 days to today.The currency conversion lets you update to the latest exchange rates. Put in a dollar amount and you can choose from a whole bunch of different countries currency to get the conversion rate. You also have conversions for volume,length, weight, mass, temperature, energy, area, speed, time, power, data. It’s amazing how many different options you have available here. So with the latest version of Windows 10 you have a whole bunch of new features available in Calculator.

#9 Nearby Sharing. Windows 10 allows you to share documents,photos, links to websites, and more with Nearby Sharing. you can enable it by going to the Start Menu, Settings, System, Shared Experiences, and then enable Nearby Sharing. You can share documents and other items with everyone near by rather than just my devices. Once that’s set you’ll be able to see in your notification area Nearby Sharing where you can turn it on and off. Once it’s turned on you can go into a link for a webpage and click the Share. It shows devices nearby and when you select one it sends a notification to receive the document or link. You can also share photos and you’ll see a Share Option in the upper right corner. Select that device again and it sends a prompt to accept the photo. As someone receiving a document or link you get a prompt and you can choose to Save and Open it or Decline that share. Share Nearby works great if you have Bluetooth enabled on those devices.

#10 Focus Assist.Focus Assist is a utility that lets you get notifications in your action center in the bottom right. When you click on this you can see that there is a Focus Assist option right here. That switches between priority only, alarms only, or off.If you right-click on it and go to Settings, you can adjust the setting share. When it’s off you get all notification from your apps. Set it to priority only and you can customize your priority list so that it only She was incoming calls and reminders, notifications from pin contacts, and specific apps. Set it to alarms only and it hides all the notifications except for major alarm notifications. You can also choose the time of the day when you might want those notifications to be disabled. Turn it on when it’s duplicating your display in case you’re doing a presentation or when you’re playing a game and when you’re using an app in full-screen mode.I like to set mine to priority only as I’m working through the day but I can come down here and turn it to alarms only if I’m really trying to focus on the work that I have in front of me. That’s Focus Assist.

#11 Calendar Event. In the latter part of 2019 Microsoft added a calendar event to the taskbar in Windows 10. To access it just come down to the time, click on it,and now you can add an event or reminder directly to your calendar. We’ll put in a test. You can select the time and add a location and hit Save. It adds that event to your calendar. If you double-click it takes you to the calendar app where you can see our event. If you highlight it and view the event you can edit even further with details about the event description. You can invite other users and send them an invite request. You can change the reminder timeline. Mark it as a busy, free, tentative, or out of office and even delete this event. We’ll save it and now that it’s on my calendar I can use it just like any other calendar event on any other application. The other nice feature about this app is if you come down here to Settings you can manage accounts and add additional accounts to synchronize with the Microsoft calendar app. And you’ll notice that it has mail, calendar, contacts, and tasks just like the Outlook client. So rather than having to open your app for your calendar you can just access it directly here from your task bar.

#12 Hide Desktop Icons. If you have a number of desktop icons and you want to hide them temporarily just right-click on your desktop, go to View, and turn off this check mark next to Show Desktop Icons. That gets rid of them and if you want to bring them back just do the same thing again and turn it back on. As a side note you can also go down to the Start menu and if you have an item on your menu you want to put on to your desktop, just left-click drag it out and drop it and that will place it on your desktop. No need to create a shortcut by hand.

#13 Secret Windows Menu. Normally you click on the Start button and it brings up the menu but if you right-click on the Start menu it brings up a secret menu. This shows you utilities that you normally access like your device manager or your settings, File Explorer, and you can go directly to a shut down or sign out. This is just a quicker menu to some of the more common Windows settings.

#14 Windows Switch. There’s a quick shortcut to open up windows from your taskbar. If you hold down the Windows key on your keyboard and hit 1, it brings up the first item on your taskbar, 2 the second, 3 the third, and 4 the fourth. Hit the mag a in and it minimizes them back down. That’s an easy way to switch between your applications in Windows 10.

#15 Power Toys. Power Toys is a utility that adds additional features to Windows 10. You can install it by going to git hub.com/ micro soft /power toys/releases. Git hub is a site that’s now owned by Microsoft. Find the latest version and then scroll down hereto the Power Toys setup M SI. When you install that it creates an icon on your desktop for Power Toys and shows you a menu of the utilities available with in that tool. As we’ve seen earlier Snap Assist lets you take window sand spread them around your screen in different locations. Fancy Zones adds anew utility where you can make custom layouts to snap to. File Explorer lets you manage additional features for your windows file explorer. Image Resizer lets you change the size of images in bulk. Power Rename lets you rename files in bulk using search and replace. There’s a shortcut guide that shows you all of the windows shortcut keys. Window Walker lets you switch screens similar to Alt- Tab but it uses text base switching. Let’s take a look at a couple of these now.Fancy Zones lets you edit the different zones you want to snap to. You can set different shapes and sizes or do a custom. Let’s pick this priority grid. You can choose to have spaces around each zone but we’ll turn that off for now. Hit Apply and now when you grab a window and hold the Shift key down it shows you the zone that you can copy it to. It’s like Snap Assist but in a custom format. Shortcut Guide is as simple as hitting the windows button and holding it down. That shows you all the shortcut keys that you have available in normal windows but this just gives you a guide. You get the idea of how Power Toys works as an added utility. Microsoft plans on adding additional features into this tool so you’ll see more items that come up on the menu.

#16 Storage Sense. Storage Sense is a feature designed to monitor your device and free up space automatically. You can access it by going to the Start Menu, Settings,System Storage, and turn on this Storage Sense. As you can see in the list below it shows you how your storage is being used and where you need to free up disks pace. You can run this configure Storage Sense and change the setting app Propriately choosing which timeline you want or just when disk space is low.You can tell it to delete temporary files, adjust your cloud settings, and run Clean Now to clear it up immediately. And as you can see we were able to free up at 1.46GB of disk space based on those settings.

#17 Startup Programs. One step you can take to make your computer run more efficiently is adjust the startup programs. If you go to your taskbar, right-click, and click on the Task Manager, there is a Startup tab that shows you all the programs that are set to load when you boot your computer. If you sort this by Startup Impact you can get an idea of which ones have a high impact on your boot time and on your running program time. Some of these you may want to disable if you don’t think you’re going to be using them and that should help your computer run more efficiently.

#18 God Mode. With Windows 10 all the settings in the operating system are kept under the Settings app and it has options for system devices, network Personalization, security, privacy, and a whole bunch of other things. God Mode allows you to create a folder that contains all of these settings in one menu. Just right-click on your desktop, create a new shortcut, and in the location put in the following information. This will be available in the description below the video so you can copy and paste it for yourself. Hit Next and then name it anything you want. We’ll call it God Mode. Hit Finish and now you have an icon to run god mode. When you open it you’ll see a menu that contains all kinds of items. Devices and Printers, File Explorer, internet options,power options, programs and features, sound settings, system settings. All of the options available through the Windows menus are available all in one group and that’s why they call it God Mode. If you tried to use God Mode in the past by creating a folder just be aware with the latest version of Windows 10you cannot give it a name like this but if you create it as a shortcut with the link that I provided it will let you give it a name. And that’s God Mode.

#19 Show People. You can show contacts directly onto your taskbar using the Show People app. Just come down here and right-click on your taskbar,turn this check mark on for Show People on the Taskbar. It adds the People app and when you open it, it has two options – People and Apps. The People tab shows people from your contacts for apps that are integrated into Windows and the Apps shows the different apps available for integration. Just like the calendar events we looked at earlier you can integrate external mail accounts to the People app and import contacts from those external email systems. Under the people list you can find and pin contacts from your external email accounts and when you select a contact it adds them to the taskbar where you can click on the icon to communicate with them directly. To the right of the pin contacts you can click this menu and go into Settings and turn on and off the settings for the People app. Show contacts on your taskbar, set how many contacts you want, and adjust this notification sounds and suggested people list. You can also open up the People app, click on the menu, and create a new contact. This lets you save to any of your available accounts, give them a name, add their phone number and contact information, and it will save that to your external email list as we ll as the Windows 10 contact apps. When you want to communicate with somebody just click their app directly and any of the apps that are established for this person will be available from the menu for you to use to communicate. This is currently integrated into mail, Teams, Skype, and other apps but Microsoft will be adding more as those become available for integration. If you want to turn it off just come back to the taskbar and turn that checkbox off.

#20 Reliability Monitor. You can access the Reliability Monitor from your Start menu.Just type in Reliability and bring up the View Reliability History. This shows you a monitor of any of the errors that you’ve received on your computer. Click on a date where you have a red X and it shows you critical events. The yellows hows you warnings and you can see each day for the last several days. What I like to do is find an event and you can do a search on this on Google and figure out a way to resolve that problem. For example, searching for Microsoft Office S. D.X helper stopped working gives me this information that I probably need to reload my Microsoft Office installation and that’s probably a good idea given that I’ve seen multiple errors for the same thing. This one right here looks just like a failed Windows Update and if it repeats the same one over and over then you know there’s an error but if it skips past it, it may have continued on and finished that update. It’s just a good idea to look through this history and find out any problems you may be experiencing. Try to clean them up so that you have no more errors. That will keep your system running smooth. Congratulations! You’ve made it through 2/3 of the tips and tricks list.The rest will continue in 15 seconds but please take a moment right now to subscribe to Scle Training and click the Bell icon to get notified when new videos are released. Don’t forget the entire 30 tips and tricks list is in the description of this video with hyperlinks to each. Now let’s get back to it.

#21 Windows Reset. If windows is just not working correctly even though you’ve tried several things you may need to go to a Windows Reset. That’s available under the Start menu, Settings, Update and Security, Recovery and here’s an option to Reset this PC.Click that and you have two choices. You can keep your files or you can remove everything. If you keep your files it removes all the apps and settings but keeps your personal files intact and there’s two options you have available under that choice. You can download from the cloud and reinstall windows or you can do a local reinstall from this device. You can do the cloud download if you think that the local copy is maybe corrupt or you don’t have access to it.And that’ll do a full reinstall of Windows. Going back the other option is to remove everything. This takes care of all the personal files, apps, and settings,does a re installation of Windows, and starts with a fresh clean install. Either of these options may be helpful if you’ve tried everything else and you cannot get your computer to work properly.

#22 Ear Trumpet. Ear Trumpet is a replacement for the sound control that you have on your taskbar. Currently when you open up your sound control you can control one device and if you right-click you can get into some of the other settings. Ear Trumpet upgrades these features and replaces it with abetter tool. You can load this by going into the Start, scrolling down to the Microsoft store. Within the store search for Ear Trumpet,open up that app, and do the installation. Then you can launch the app and it adds the Ear Trumpet icon to your taskbar. Here you have more options available to control the sound of all your different devices. You can also right-click and go to Windows Legacy if you want to get back to the previous menu but it lets you quickly switch between your different devices and you can go directly to a volume mixer where you can control all the sound for all the different devices. It’s a much more robust way of controlling your sound on your computer and what I like to do is come down here, right-click on the taskbar, go to Taskbar Settings, and scroll down to this option to Turn System Icons on and off, and turn off the older volume control. Now you’re left with just the Ear Trumpet as a replacement and it works great.

#23 Virtual Desktops. One of the new features in Windows 10 is the ability to create multiple virtual desktops. Let’s say I have three different applications open.If you come down here to the taskbar there is a Task View button. Click that and it comes up with the new desktop area. I’m going to add a new desktop and I’m going to take and drag one of these into that second desktop. I’ll add another and I’ll drag this one into that third. Now each window is on a separate desktop and I’m going to go back and open up the one that I set up first. I can then click and switch to the second one. These are now independent working desktops that you can have multiple applications running in each environment.The shortcut key to switch between them is holding down the Windows logo key,ctrl, and hit the right or left arrow key to switch between the desktops. And if you want to close out of these desktops you can come back here to the Task View and just X out of each one that you want to close. It moves everything back to the main desktop and we’re back to normal.So if you don’t have multiple monitors but you want multiple virtual desktops this is a great solution.

#24 Keyboard Shortcuts. Here’s a quick look at some of the more common windows shortcut keys. Hold down the Windows logo button and E to Open File Explorer. Hold down the Alt key and press Tab to switch between different windows. let go on the one you want. Press the Windows M to minimize all windows. Use the windows button and the left and right arrow key to snap the window to the side or middle. Use the Windows key and + to zoom in and – to zoom out. Select an item and hit F2 to rename it. Select an item, hit (Ctrl-N) and it opens up a new window. Use the windows button and D to hide the desktop. Hit it again to bring it back. And that’s just a look at some of the windows shortcut keys.

#25 Background Apps. When you install applications into Windows 10a lot of them are left running in the background all the time. This can drain your battery and kill your resources from your computer. So go to Start,Settings, Privacy, and scroll down to Background Apps. By default apps are set to run in the background. You could turn them all off but things like mail and phone and other apps you want to have running in the background so you get notifications, but many of these can be turned off. So take a look through this list, clear out ones that don’t make sense, and make your computer run much more efficiently.

#26 Emojis. Access to emojis in Windows 10 couldn’t be any easier. Just hit the Windows button and . and it brings up the tool pad for the emojis. Select any of them you want and it inserts it into any app in Windows 10.

#27 Default Apps. With Windows 10you can set the default apps that run for different file types. Go to the Start,Settings, Apps, Default Apps, and here you can see a list of the default apps for the various file types. You can click on your browser and change it to a different browser that you have installed. That will be the default browser that opens whenever you click on any kind of link. You can reset these to the Microsoft recommended defaults. There’s also a Choose Default Apps by File Type. This shows all the different file extensions and the default app that’s assigned to them. If you accidentally associate the wrong file type you can come in here and modify that file type and change it to a different app. So if you ever have a problem with the wrong application opening up this is where you can adjust it.

#28 Troubleshooter. Windows 10 comes with built-in troubleshooting tools. You can find it by going to Start, Settings, Update and Security, Troubleshoot. There is a recommended troubleshooting tool that runs in the background and notifies you when it detects any problems. You can set it to one of these three settings to run automatically or warn you before it runs, but you can also come down hereto additional Troubleshooters and see a list of common problems with different devices on your Windows 10 computer. For example, if you have a problem with your internet connectivity run this troubleshooter. It scans and detects any problems and gives you some recommendations of how to fix it. There are many different tools available for the different devices in Windows so if you have any problems with any of those particular devices come in here and run the manual troubleshooting tool and you may be able to correct it yourself.

#29 Steps Recorder. Windows 10 has a Steps Recorder where you can record all the steps that you go through and share that or use it for documentation. Go to Start, type in “steps”, and you’ll see it on the menu. Open that up and it opens the Steps Recorder. You have a start, a stop, and there’s an option here for settings. You can define an output file if you want to and adjust whether you want the screen to be captured. When you hit start you can record information like, for example, hitting the Start button, go into Settings, Update and Security, I move it around a little bit,close it, and now I stop recording. It records all the steps that you just completed and shows you a screen image along with the buttons that you’ repressing. This file now can be saved and you can send it to somebody as a description or you can edit it in your favorite editor.There’s even an option here where you can review the recorded steps as a slideshow and it automatically skips through the different steps in a slideshow format. So rather than copy and pasting images of your screen just use Steps Recorder.

#30 Visual Search. In the 2020 version of Windows Microsoft enhanced the search capabilities. There’s also now a button for an image search. This allows you to capture a screen image, and that can be in an app or can be on your Windows somewhere, and it locates that image in your browser. This is very similar to the Google image search but I actually like it better because you can click one button and do a screen capture. You can easily come over here click this button and do a crop of your image to adjust it in your search and the Bing search tool does an accurate job of finding the right image.

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syber security

Hello, everyone. I am Rohit Sharma from Uttrakhand. I welcome you all to this live sea on How to Become a Cyber Security Engineer. So before we begin, can I get a quick confirmation I’m audible or not? Okay, so let me walk you through today’s agenda first. We will begin by discussing who is a cybersecurity engineer and what a cybersecurity engineer does then we’ll go through roles and responsibilities of a cybersecurity engineer and the skills he or she should possess moving on I’ll walk you through different career paths that you can follow to become a cybersecurity engineer. Finally, We will end the session by discussing the salary of a cybersecurity engineer. So I hope the agenda was clear with you guys. Okay, let’s get started then. So, guys, the most trending question these days as if or not one should consider a career in cybersecurity if you ask meI say definitely yes, here are a few reasons as to why. First of all, you will be part of an exciting and challenging field as a cybersecurity professional you’ll be working daily to keep the critical infrastructure security and will constantly be facing new and engaging challenges. Secondly, you will find more job opportunities

3300:01:35,600 –> 00:01:39,600because cybersecurity such a fast-growing field. There’s high employer demand for qualified professionals. Well to be precise, there are a lot of cybersecurity jobs to be filled and the demand doesn’t appear to be slowing down anytime soon. You can on higher pay since the number of people opting for cybersecurity jobs as usually fewer companies are paying more than ever to learn highly qualified cybersecurity professional lastly, you will be able to choose an industry that interests you one of the most appealing aspects of cybersecurity is that the field can be applied to many different industries from government to finance healthcare and Retail trade.

So a curio and cybersecurity have its benefits. There are hundreds of job titles in cybersecurity, but some of the dot top positions include Security administrator cybersecurity engineer security analyst penetration tester security consultant and many more but as for today’s session, we will be discussing cybersecurity engineer. So who is the cybersecurity engineer A cybersecurity engineer is a professional who protects computer and networking systems from potential occurs and cyber attacks security engineer provides a specialized engineering approach to cybersecurity specifically regarding the design of security systems to avoid and fight against issues like data breaches or major data hacks, but what is exactly a cybersecurity engineer do well? It’s no surprise that the faulty software often leaves networks vulnerable to malware spyware adware fishing and different kind of attacks a security engineer analyzes computer networks and just they’re running securely and tries to foresee possible security issues that may arise in future in short a security engineer focuses on designing computer systems equipped to deal with disruptions, like natural disasters or malicious. The tax so guys now, you know and general what a cybersecurity engineer does now, let’s look at roles and responsibilities of a cybersecurity engineer.

Like I said earlier cybersecurity Engineers’ primary mission is to protect the computer systems and networks of an organization from threats and attacks consistently achieve. This Mission. There are many tasks and duties a cybersecurity engineer must perform. Let’s take a look at a few of the most common functions.

First of all, developing a set of security standards and practices that the entire organization that he or she is working in should follow Secondly monitoring networks and systems for security breaches or any kind of intrusion signs tallying software that helps with notification of intrusions or any sort of Data Breach. So that immediate action can be taken. Performing penetration testing and network scans to identify weaknesses and vulnerabilities developing automation scripts to handle and track incidents suppose.

If a data breach of some sort or some sort of Cyberattack happens a cybersecurity engineer launches investigation against such attacks. The cybersecurity engineer is also responsible for developing and implementing a plan of action for responding to data breaches or any sort of cyberattacks.

Apart from all this a cybersecurity engineer also oversees the maintenance of firewalls routers switches different kinds of network monitoring tools and virtual private networks. He makes recommendations to management regarding security enhancements and improvements. Finally, a cybersecurity engineer also trains and educates Network users on information security.

Well, these are some aspects of the job that are handled performed daily. You will never know what a day in cybersecurity engineers’ life and tails until it happens. So it’s difficult to completely cover the full scope of Duties expected of a cybersecurity engineer given the fact that the role is defined so differently from one organization to another, however, these are the generalized Rose every cybersecurity engineer performs in any sort of organization. Now that we know about the roles and responsibilities. Let’s go ahead and take a look at the skills that you should possess to become a cybersecurity engineer cybersecurity Engineers work on Frontline of information assurance performing detail-oriented tasks for companies and government organizations all around the world their education skills and training are the only things that stand between us and future attacks.

Don’t you guys agree with me? The job of a security engineer highly technical. So employees will expect you to have a bachelor’s degree in computer science cybersecurity or a related field like information system general computer science or information technology security additionally most employers will expect their employees to have an understanding of cybersecurity methodologies.

In addition to that. You should also know current cybersecurity trends and attacks and you should have an interest in researching emerging Trends and hacking techniques. You should have sound knowledge and programming languages like Java python doctor what we call at a spy the net for python for.net C++bash and publisher. You should also have a solid working knowledge of computer operating systems and different kinds of networking protocols a solid understanding of networking Concepts like the OSI model.

We know when ports and services are also necessary after all its Network that a cybersecurity engineer protects, right? As with most careers, there is a handful of personal qualities and aptitudes that could make one well suited for a career in cybersecurity engineering. So these are some soft skills that you should process to become a cybersecurity engineer generally speaking security Engineers are known for their complex problem-solving skills and creative minds as a cybersecurity engineer. You will be spending a fair amount of time working with an IT team or the Department’s so you should have strong oral and communication skills. You should also have been Eye for details. That is you should be very detail-oriented. You should be capable of working long hours and dealing with stress. That is work Under Pressure. So, Guys, these are some hard scales and different kinds of soft skills that you should possess to become a successful cybersecurity engineer while on top of all this it’s good to get cybersecurity certification certifications always prove that you have all the knowledge required to do its job. Well, So guys at this point, you must know what who is a cybersecurity engineer what he or she does and what are the skills required to be a cybersecurity engineer.

Now, let’s take a different. Let’s take a look at different Kaya paths that you can take to become a cybersecurity engineer right now, as you can see I have four columns here. The First Column is feeder Rose. This feeder role is like stepping stones into a career in cybersecurity. Let’s say right now you’re walking in some other department of feel, but you want to switch to cybersecurity field then considering one of these fetal roles is always a plus point, but let’s say you’re not walking you want to kick start your career in cybersecurity, then you can directly get into one of these entry revolutes as you can see apart from feeder role. I have entry-level mid-level and advanced-level rules. These are like course cybersecurity roles that are the most commonly required job categories across the cybersecurity ecosystem. Well, these are based on experience educational level and credentials required by employers. So like I said earlier you can get into feeder roll or you can directly get into entry-level lower if you are a beginner. So once you make your way to one of these entry-level lows from here, you can get into any of these mid-level rules as in cybersecurity analyst or consultant ora penetration tester. For example, let’s say you’re having cyber te cybersecurity technician, then you can go ahead and offer cybersecurity analyst or anyone of these mid-level rules. The same thing goes for cybercrime analyst and incident responder, but as for IT Auditorif your it audit, or you can only go for cybersecurity consultant and penetration tester.

It’s not possible to become a cybersecurity analyst per se So once you’ve landed up in mid-level Rose from here, you can get into one of these advanced-level rules. For example from cybersecurity analyst. You can become a cybersecurity engineer or a cybersecurity architecture cybersecurity. Admin same goes for the cybersecurity consultant as well. But as for the penetration tester, you can either become a cybersecurity engineer or cybersecurity architect. Well, this looks like a lot of information to grasp right? Let me summarize what we have learned concerning cybersecurity engineers. So, as I said, if you want to switch your car career, you can consider one of these feeder rolls. That’s either networking or systems engineering software development, or you can start your career with entry-level rules like analyst or incident responder from these you can make your way to become a mid-level cybersecurity analyst or cybersecurity consultant from then you can become a cybersecurity engineer.

So once you’ve become a cybersecurity engineer, you don’t like the job of your if you’re not satisfied with the work, then you can always change your career by becoming a cybersecurity architect and suppose if you are cybersecurity architect you can change for cybersecurity engineer as well same from cybersecurity engineer to cybersecurity. Admin. So, Guys, these are some career paths that you could take to become a cybersecurity engineer. But let me tell you one thing. These are not like fixed career paths so you can switch your careers in between Now let’s talk about the most interesting part salary of a cybersecurity engineer. Like I said, all you a cybersecurity engineer works on front lines defending private information from all kinds of trouble.

So it’s no surprise that when the right candidate has found businesses are more than willing to offer competitive six-figure salaries out of all cybersecurity Rose. Let me tell you one thing cybersecurity engineer gets the topic. Let’s take a look at average salary range from entry-level to senior-level cybersecurity engineer for entry-level cybersecurity engineer average salary range starts from $54,000 and it can last up to a hundred and four thousand dollars, but as for mid-level, Cybersecurity engineer the starting salary is usually $68,000 approximately and it can go up to a hundred and twenty-nine thousand dollars but at but as for senior-level cybersecurity engineer, the starting salary is usually $82,000 and it can go up to a hundred and forty-seven thousand dollars. So, guys as you can see, this is a significant demand for cybersecurity professionals, especially cybersecurity Engineers as the work they do is incredibly important. Now, let’s take a look at how is her. What? What is the salary of a cybersecurity engineer and end up?

Well, these are just approximate numbers. So as you can see for an entry-level cybersecurity integer, it’s about approximately 3 lakhs26,000 average salaries per Annum and as for mid-level cybersecurity engineer. It’s about 6 Lakehs and for the advanced scene or advances to senior visibility, cybersecurity engineers can go up to 12 .

It looks very enticing, right. So as you can see the salary of a cybersecurity engineer is fairly High because of increasing and prevailing cyber attacks across Industries companies of all sizes are willing to pay more and more. So why not opt for cybersecurity as a career, but it’s important to know what it takes a strong sorry, but it’s important to note that it takes a strong drive to not only learn the basics but also keep up with new and emerging information security threats. If you think you have what it takes to make a difference your first step is acquiring skills and training needed to succeed in cybersecurity feed what better choice than a direct got to kick start your learning. So as you can see it offers cybersecurity certification course curated by top Security Experts from the industry as part of the cybersecurity course, you will be learning about various fundamental concepts like Security Essentials cryptography Network Security application security data and endpoint security Cloud security and many other topics on top of it all at the end of your career Sorry at the end of your course tech rs certifies you as cybersecurity professionals go for it guys.

This is it, guys. We have reached the end of the session. I hope the session was informative. If you have any questions, please do put them in the comment box, we will get back to you and stay tuned for more live sessions.

Thank you, guys.

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importance pf ethical hacking

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अंतरराष्ट्रीय संघर्षों की सुबह में, आतंकवादी संगठन साइबर सुरक्षा को भंग करने के लिए साइबर अपराधियों को वित्त पोषण करते हैं, या तो राष्ट्रीय सुरक्षा सुविधाओं से समझौता करते हैं या मैलवेयर इंजेक्ट करके और पहुंच से इनकार करते हुए भारी मात्रा में वसूली करते हैं। साइबर क्राइम के लगातार बढ़ने के परिणामस्वरूप। हैकिंग के शिकार होने से पहले सिस्टम को बचाने के लिए कई तकनीकों को स्थापित करने, हैक-रोकने की रणनीति को अपडेट करने के लिए संगठनों को चुनौती का सामना करना पड़ता है।
नए कीड़े, मैलवेयर, वायरस और रैनसमवेयर हर दिन बढ़ रहे हैं और व्यवसायों, सरकारी एजेंसियों या रक्षा के नेटवर्क की सुरक्षा के लिए एथिकल हैकिंग सेवाओं की आवश्यकता पैदा कर रहे हैं।